List of active policies

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The Learners Portal Site policy All users


Welcome to The Learners Portal

Full policy



Before you can access your course, we have to show you some policies. This is an accreditation and regulation requirement. You will only need to read these once. Once you have read these, the system will remember that you have read them.

The Learners Portal has been made as user-friendly as it possibly can be. The system explains what is required for your course and contains a lot of information.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information and advice given in this manual are accurate and up to date. The Learners Portal believes that the information is true, safe and accurate at the time of production. The Learners Portal and teh course providers cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. The Learners Portal and teh course providers accepts no legal responsibility or liability whatsoever for the accuracy of the information, conclusions that may be drawn from it, how the information is interpreted and implemented by the reader or any third party, and any injury, howsoever caused, to any person. This is the basis on which the information is presented.



All rights are reserved. The copying or reproducing of any of the content of this website or training material is strictly prohibited without prior consent. The content of all the training material found with The Learners Portal, even when unbranded, remains strictly under the ownership and copyright of course providers and may not be copied or duplicated by any means without explicit permission from The Learners Portal and the course providers. All intellectual rights to all the courses found within The Learners Portal remain strictly with the training providers.

Permissible Use of Training and Training Manuals

The Learners Portal and the training providers offers practitioner training courses to learners providing them with the skills for delivering therapy. Our courses are not designed or intended to permit students to provide training themselves. All course materials are strictly intended for reference purposes when delivering therapy. The unauthorised copying, distribution or other use of training manuals or materials is a severe breach of copyright.

We hope that you enjoy this course, and if we can do anything to help and support your time with us, just let us know. The contact details for your training course can be found within your course.